Monday, June 27, 2005

Mummy lesson #1

While I was driving around these few days, I recently remember one of the things my mom used to tell me.....

Ok.. I was young, I remember one of those times when my sister's God-mother, Connie, pick me us to go out, I remember one thing my mom told me.... "Rember to sit in front okay? Connie is not your driver okay?" Hmm, at my age about 9, do you think I know what that meant? Come on lah, she is driving the car, so equals to be my driver lah, and why would people mind? It no big deal. But how about taking taxi? I usually see my mom & I sitting behind.. Ya sure we pay them.

UNTIL one day, when I was in Adelaide (Maybe about a 10 months ago) I Picked my my Chinese national friend from town. I met him and he automatically sat behind while I was all alone at the front, I casually asked, sit in front but he said, it was alright, behind more comfortable. Then it HIT me, You think I who? Your driver ah? YES my mom had made that dent in me. Crap, It was a big deal. I've been doing that all my childhood life and didn't give a rat's ass about how people think, but now..... DAMN. (Come to think of it, What's the big deal?)

Then again, is...
Sitting behind when your friend in front alone right? Is it practiced all over the world, cos I don't think my most of my chinese friends practiced that. Its not in their culture, so they mean no harm. Oh man, I don't like it when my mom is right about something that I know its no big deal.


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