Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Friendly people exist!!!

I just got back from a road trip to Melbourne, We drove up, some sort of a last minute decision, kinda fun. I was cruzing around some of the oo-loo places of the Victoria State, then I drove into a F*&%ing ditch, (surprise surprise, I am a lousy driver) I tried to get out of it but the rear wheel was in the mud, I tried to push while my partner took the wheel, and what happened? no prize for the correct answer, ya ya, it couldn't move. Initially, passer by (no good in spelling too) asked if I needed help, but NNOOOO, cos of my HUGE EGO, I used the exact words "Nah, its alright mate, Everything is OK"

ALLO Stanley.... Your car in the stupid mud and you still want to be Macho. After about 30 mins, I B.T.H., I gave up. One man, drove passed in a lorry, offered help. The best thing is that not only did he help, he phoned his friend to come over with a 4WD to drag my car out....
End of story: I am home now.

What if this happened to me in Singapore? Woah... I think I'll be there accepting the following replies:
  1. Sorry, I'm in the rush!
  2. I don't think I can drag your car out..
  3. Call Toll lah
  4. *Smile* (meaning, smell my smoke.

I don't know why but thats the impression I get from my own country men. Could I be like them too? Now? Very less likely... after what I've experienced.

Oh well, thank you.. erm.... damn I forget to get their names!!!


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