Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Hot Dog question

Yup, one of the pointless question that people would not notice and will never want to notice.....
Why does Hot Dogs come in a pace of 10, and Hot Dog bun comes in 8?

Many people in the world have come up with many many different, some being that companies wants the consumer to buy more to balance it out.....

My favourite answer will how people view life...... No matter what the out-come of a problem might be (10 dogs, 8 buns), just be happy with what you got (hot dogs).

But the actual answer I just read out is actually like this....

Let's look at the hot dog side first. When these companies package their hot dogs, they want to make things easier for their customers. So, they decided to make one package of hot dogs weight one pound. In order to do this, they need 10 normal hot dogs. So, one package is one pound.

In the bun side now. Now, a person is makes buns is know as what?? That's right. A baker. And how do bakers like to count?? That's right. By the dozen. Ok. So that shows that they like multiples of 3 and 4. This means that they like 6, 8, and 12. Notice how 10 is not in there. That's kind of why bun packages only contain 8 buns. However, let's look at the packaging of these buns. When it comes to hot dog buns, they are easily stackable in packes of 8. Four buns on the bottom, and 4 buns on top. Of course, why don't they just do 5 buns on the bottom, and 5 on top. Simple. 5 is not a multiple of 3 or 4, so the baker's don't even consider it as an option.



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