Friday, July 15, 2005

My baby

Today, I went for a photo shoot, some sort of a make over thing. Its kinda a 4 years thing with my girl friend, Joan. Not really that easy, hope it comes out ok. But thats not the topic I'll be talking today.

I guess most of you all wonder who Joan is.

I knew Joan about 6 years ago, she was in this class in church for confirmation. I happened to be one of the many facilitor there. We went for camps, only did I know that she likes me. (I was with another person at that time) So I didn't notice, even though everyone around me was dropping hints. I was her group facilitor, many stories of her action I have heard, but I won't write it here.

Years later, I broke up with that other girl.. and shortly went together with Joan... I have not regreted since. She is one of the person I trust with all my heart and I would journey life with her. With Daddy's blessing, I hope everything will be an easy journey with her.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Hot Dog question

Yup, one of the pointless question that people would not notice and will never want to notice.....
Why does Hot Dogs come in a pace of 10, and Hot Dog bun comes in 8?

Many people in the world have come up with many many different, some being that companies wants the consumer to buy more to balance it out.....

My favourite answer will how people view life...... No matter what the out-come of a problem might be (10 dogs, 8 buns), just be happy with what you got (hot dogs).

But the actual answer I just read out is actually like this....

Let's look at the hot dog side first. When these companies package their hot dogs, they want to make things easier for their customers. So, they decided to make one package of hot dogs weight one pound. In order to do this, they need 10 normal hot dogs. So, one package is one pound.

In the bun side now. Now, a person is makes buns is know as what?? That's right. A baker. And how do bakers like to count?? That's right. By the dozen. Ok. So that shows that they like multiples of 3 and 4. This means that they like 6, 8, and 12. Notice how 10 is not in there. That's kind of why bun packages only contain 8 buns. However, let's look at the packaging of these buns. When it comes to hot dog buns, they are easily stackable in packes of 8. Four buns on the bottom, and 4 buns on top. Of course, why don't they just do 5 buns on the bottom, and 5 on top. Simple. 5 is not a multiple of 3 or 4, so the baker's don't even consider it as an option.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

London's turn of event

Finally, London has earn its rights to host the Olympic games 2012. But damn stupid people must ruin the celebration.
The IOC comment that its nothing to do with London winning. But shit man, then because of what? Don't you think that the excuse of London winning the rights the excuse of bombing? The IOC will only be responsible during games time. Fair enough, but seriously, a small percentage is due to the Olympic loh. I tell you loh, if Paris won the votes, most likely the bombing will take place in Paris. 7 bomb areas, talk about good co-ordination. When the Mayor of London said that the terroist will fail... fail in? Fail so that London have to hand over the games to another venue in 2012? Or are they talking about the terroist being caught?

Think about it, I once heard, even if you catch the mastermind, there are still his lemmings to do his bidding. Heard of Ali Ba Ba and the 40 thieves? Well, more of Ali Ba ba and the army of theves... *sigh*

How you feel siah, your birthday party, everybody happy, then someone throw shit bomb in your house. I don't feel "song" loh. But then again thats not the point.

To this time, 45 people died and numbers injured. This is not cool. Worst still, people are taking responsibility for the bombing, F*&%, proud meh? I really want to know what these people are thinking..... Are they sad? The bully stole his lunch money when he was in high school? But what ever it is, it is not cool to take another life away, not to mention 45.

My prayers are to the Victims, their family members and friends.... the world is behind you, you are not alone. Cheers!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Friendly people exist!!!

I just got back from a road trip to Melbourne, We drove up, some sort of a last minute decision, kinda fun. I was cruzing around some of the oo-loo places of the Victoria State, then I drove into a F*&%ing ditch, (surprise surprise, I am a lousy driver) I tried to get out of it but the rear wheel was in the mud, I tried to push while my partner took the wheel, and what happened? no prize for the correct answer, ya ya, it couldn't move. Initially, passer by (no good in spelling too) asked if I needed help, but NNOOOO, cos of my HUGE EGO, I used the exact words "Nah, its alright mate, Everything is OK"

ALLO Stanley.... Your car in the stupid mud and you still want to be Macho. After about 30 mins, I B.T.H., I gave up. One man, drove passed in a lorry, offered help. The best thing is that not only did he help, he phoned his friend to come over with a 4WD to drag my car out....
End of story: I am home now.

What if this happened to me in Singapore? Woah... I think I'll be there accepting the following replies:
  1. Sorry, I'm in the rush!
  2. I don't think I can drag your car out..
  3. Call Toll lah
  4. *Smile* (meaning, smell my smoke.

I don't know why but thats the impression I get from my own country men. Could I be like them too? Now? Very less likely... after what I've experienced.

Oh well, thank you.. erm.... damn I forget to get their names!!!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Mummy lesson #1

While I was driving around these few days, I recently remember one of the things my mom used to tell me.....

Ok.. I was young, I remember one of those times when my sister's God-mother, Connie, pick me us to go out, I remember one thing my mom told me.... "Rember to sit in front okay? Connie is not your driver okay?" Hmm, at my age about 9, do you think I know what that meant? Come on lah, she is driving the car, so equals to be my driver lah, and why would people mind? It no big deal. But how about taking taxi? I usually see my mom & I sitting behind.. Ya sure we pay them.

UNTIL one day, when I was in Adelaide (Maybe about a 10 months ago) I Picked my my Chinese national friend from town. I met him and he automatically sat behind while I was all alone at the front, I casually asked, sit in front but he said, it was alright, behind more comfortable. Then it HIT me, You think I who? Your driver ah? YES my mom had made that dent in me. Crap, It was a big deal. I've been doing that all my childhood life and didn't give a rat's ass about how people think, but now..... DAMN. (Come to think of it, What's the big deal?)

Then again, is...
Sitting behind when your friend in front alone right? Is it practiced all over the world, cos I don't think my most of my chinese friends practiced that. Its not in their culture, so they mean no harm. Oh man, I don't like it when my mom is right about something that I know its no big deal.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Its time

Time for what siah... Well, its time for me to have a proper place to blog, rather than all over the place, this look like a good place.... Seem like every web site is creating a blog space. Anyway I seriously need to sleep, (After a long week of exams) damn it feels good when you're done, and everyone still have to drag their lazy ass to the examination hall DURING WINTER!! *heh* anywayz its kewl, finally I could hook up on World of Warcraft. Nitez!